Photo credit: Bernard Broughton, 2009

Household granaries in Adilang, northern Uganda - Food security

 Evaluation Specialist

Experience in the following regions and countries:
- China, Nepal, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Timor Leste
- Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati, New Caledonia
- Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Jordan, Russian Federation
- Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Angola.

Tarawa Reef Kiribati - vulnerable to sea level rise 

Wide range of clients including Australian DFAT, New Zealand MFAT, United Kingdom DFID, United States AID, European Union ECHO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, United Nations agencies including UNDP, WFP, FAO, OCHA, UNICEF, and also many NGOs including OXFAM, World Vision, The Fred Hollows Foundation, Caritas, AngliCORD, and RedR Australia.

Photo credit: Bernard Broughton, 2015

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Consulting history: Independent consultant since Sept 1995, focusing initially on designing bilateral and NGO development projects, and delivering project cycle and M&E training. Subsequently shifted focus to leading independent reviews and evaluations of development and humanitarian projects and programs. In 2005-2006 led the Inter-Agency Real Time Evaluation of the International Humanitarian Response to the Crisis in Darfur, initiated by the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs. Well regarded internationally. Evaluation of WFP’s food assistance and support for Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Iran is included as a best practice example in Evaluating humanitarian action using the OECD-DAC criteria: An ALNAP guide for humanitarian agencies, 2006. Experience designing M&E frameworks e.g. in 2016 designed the Joint New Zealand-Australia Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Humanitarian Responses in the Pacific, which is used by MFAT and DFAT.


Evaluation expertise and experience: A versatile, capable and reliable independent evaluator with a reputation for delivering high quality work. Engaged in 70 reviews or evaluations across many sectors and topics including humanitarian action and global reform; humanitarian protection; disaster risk management and climate change adaptation; food security and nutrition; water and sanitation; rural development; vocational training; governance and human rights; pandemics and emerging infectious diseases. Primary interest is now remote facilitation of evaluations.

Background: Graduated from Macquarie University, Sydney in 1979 with a BA.LLB and practiced law for a period. In early 1984 volunteered with Save the Children UK in Ethiopia. Engaged in humanitarian action and development ever since. Gained valuable hands on experience as a field coordinator for Oxfam GB in Uganda & Somalia (1984-1989) and managed a global program as a director of CARE Australia (1989-1990). Then joined the International Federation of the Red Cross as a delegate in Cambodia based in the north-west (1991-1993) and subsequently rejoined Oxfam GB to establish & manage a large relief and recovery program in South Sudan based in Akot east of Rumbek (1993-1995).