Photo credit: Bernard Broughton, 2017

 Evaluation Specialist

Photo credit: Bernard Broughton, 2017

Oksapmin, West Sepik, Papua New Guinea

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​​​​​Recent evaluation work

Myanmar 2019 for Department for International Development (DFID) > Team leader of qualitative review of a national micro-finance programme implemented in over 11,000 villages by Myanmar’s Department for Rural Development (DRD). Micro-finance, poverty reduction, governance. Extensive field work at the village level. Contracted by the Centre for Good Governance (CGG) in Yangon with DFID funding the review.

Pacific 2018 for Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) > Team leader of an independent Protection in Humanitarian Action evaluation assessing the extent to which Australia's responses to disasters in the Pacific since 2013 have been timely, effective and appropriate in relation to protection needs and risks and global normative standards.

Papua New Guinea 2017 for DFAT > Evaluation to assess whether Australia’s response to the El Niño drought and frosts in PNG 2015-2016 was appropriate, timely, effective and efficient and to inform future responses to El Niño events and DRR programs in PNG  ​​ ​​​

​DFAT features this evaluation as a Good Practice Evaluation Product on its website

Papua New Guinea 2017 for DFAT > Meta evaluation of the quality of 17 evaluations of PNG development programs undertaken over the period 2015-2017, including identifying lessons for improving DFAT’s approach to evaluation in PNG and synthesising key findings relating to improving program management, quality and impact


Uganda 2016 for UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) > Team leader of Evaluation of the DFID funded FAO program ‘Strengthening Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Agro-Pastoral communities and the Local Government to Reduce Impacts of Climate Risk on Livelihoods (ERKP) in Karamoja, Uganda. 


Global 2015-16 for UK Department for International Development (DFID) > Evaluation of DFID’s Pilot ‘Unified’ Approach to Multilateral Core Funding designed to improve the coordination and effectiveness of global humanitarian assistance. Team member. Funded agencies interviewed in Geneva, Rome, New York included UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, OCHA, CERF, IOM, ICRC, IFRC


Papua New Guinea 2015 for the Australian Federal Police (AFP) > Team leader of the Mid-Term Review of the Australia–PNG Policing Partnership (PNG-APP) Phase IV 2013-2017 implemented by the Australian Federal Police.


Uganda 2014 for the European Union (EU) > Team leader of the Evaluation of the Farmer Field School components of two EU funded post-conflict rural recovery and development projects in northern Uganda (ALREP and KALIP) implemented by UN FAO 
